But this year, it seems the Spring will brings us some colder days…
Our winter days, were warmer and shiny, and now the temperatures are decreasing!!! It seems that these two seasons has changed their temperatures between them… Even yesterday, snowed in Alentejo!!! An arid and warm plain land of this country… How can that be possible in March?! And for this weekend it seems it will rain… We will have a colder and rainy Easter.
About… Spring
“Spring is the season of bird’s melodies and beautiful and scented flowers, the season of lovers and happiness, the season of dreams and when everything is so beautiful to our own eyes…
- Why on Springs everything seems so different?!
- Can be our eyes, which see such beauty, that in other times they didn't see it?!!!
- Can be really this season, that inspires us and brings us such deep's breathing's from the heart?!!
- Why we feel so different on Spring? Don’t you feel different on Spring?!
Maybe you do, but you don’t notice that or maybe you don’t have time for that. But maybe you could stop a while from your stressing life to think about it…
Think how everything could be so different if we really noticed the differences between seasons, and what they can brings us…
They are not only cold and warm times… they are much more than this…
Furthermore, it’s so great to feel the warmness on our skin and the sunny light dazzling our eyes, while a gentle breeze disorders our hair in a vernal morning. That warmness brings us life, brings us health, bring us love, bring us time to share with our family and friends from the heart…
Share your Spring times with the people you love and be happy, don’t waste your time only with fool things, or only with things that now you consider as important… because one day that things could not be so important as you thought they were.
Remember, that there are small things in the world, that sometimes we think they are insignificants for us, but it the end, they are more important and valuable than we ever can imagine.
Live your life without regrets and think every day in all hope and happiness that life can brings you… this can be one of the best things you can offer to your heart and soul…
And… don’t forget to be happy!!!”
- CS -
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